The God of Peace and the Gospel of Peace Versus the Realities of War

The Bible presents a multifaceted view of peace and war, reflecting the complexity of the human condition and God’s divine plan. On one hand, Scripture emphasizes God as the source of peace and extols the virtues of peacemaking. On the other hand, it acknowledges the realities of conflict and the role of war in God’s overarching purposes. This contrast helps us understand the comprehensive biblical perspective on peace and conflict. The God of Peace and the Gospel of Peace Romans 15:33 – “Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.” This verse succinctly identifies God as the God of peace, emphasizing His desire for harmony and tranquility among… Read More

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Trusting God’s Sovereignty: How God Uses All Circumstances for His Purposes

The Bible is replete with assurances that God is sovereign and can use all circumstances—good and bad—for His divine purposes. This profound truth offers comfort and hope, reminding believers that God is in control, working everything together according to His will. Here are some key scriptures that illustrate how God uses all circumstances for His purposes: Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” This verse reassures us that God orchestrates every aspect of our lives, ensuring that all experiences contribute to our ultimate good and His glory. Genesis 50:20… Read More

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Etymology of the Word “God”

Contextual Usage The word “God” in English comes from the Old English word “god,” which is derived from the Proto-Germanic “*gudan.” This term has been used to refer to a supreme being or deity in various religious contexts. Historical Usage Modern Usage Across Disciplines Cultural Perspectives God in Modern Context Today, the word “God” continues to be a central concept in religious, philosophical, and cultural discussions, symbolizing the ultimate source of power, morality, and existence.

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